Monday 20 March 2017

Meanies in the house!

You may have seen our Meanies that are in our classroom window.

Meanies in the house is a favourite story of mine written by Joy Cowley.  She has written a few Meanie stories that I love sharing with the children.  They get to know the Meanies and to see that they are not very nice creatures!  In this story the Meanies decided to make havoc for one little boy.  They mess up the kitchen, his bedroom and the bathroom.  Every time the boy's mother comes to see what he is doing the Meanies run away leaving the little boy standing in a huge mess!

The only thing that seems to scare off the Meanies for good is when the Mother's mother comes to stay.  We coloured in our Meanies, dyed them and published the story we wrote in our writing books to display for everyone to see.


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