Thursday 17 August 2017

New P.E equipment

We were all very excited to try out the new bouncy balls the school has purchased.  The kids took time exploring different things they could do with the balls.  I gave them different instructions at different times to build up their skills of bouncing and walking with the ball.

First off was just dropping then catching the ball, then they tried to do this while walking. The next step was to hit the ball down and catch up, they then tried to do that while walking. Some children managed to get these skills and were able to bounce the ball up and down while walking without stopping the ball by catching it!

The wind was a bit chilly but they all enjoying getting out and moving this afternoon :)

We were all very excited to try out the new bouncy balls the school has purchased.  The kids took time exploring different things they could do with the balls.  I gave them different instructions at different times to build up their skills of bouncing and walking with the ball.

First off was just dropping then catching the ball, then they tried to do this while walking. The next step was to hit the ball down and catch up, they then tried to do that while walking. Some children managed to get these skills and were able to bounce the ball up and down while walking without stopping the ball by catching it!

The wind was a bit chilly but they all enjoying getting out and moving this afternoon :)

Saturday 5 August 2017

Thanks Rosa!

We have been learning about prayer.  We have talked about the prayers we know, where we can pray and who we can pray for.

Now we are looking at those special people who listened to God's love and spread his word.

We started by learning about St. Vincent, the saint of yellow house at St. Mary's School. Rosa helped me finish colouring in my St. Vincent as she already finished her smaller version for her R.E book.

Thanks again Rosa :)

We have been learning about prayer.  We have talked about the prayers we know, where we can pray and who we can pray for.

Now we are looking at those special people who listened to God's love and spread his word.

We started by learning about St. Vincent, the saint of yellow house at St. Mary's School. Rosa helped me finish colouring in my St. Vincent as she already finished her smaller version for her R.E book.

Thanks again Rosa :)

Activities from the day

Here are a few pictures from throughout the day to show some activities that the students complete to help support their learning, both social and academic.

Here are a few pictures from throughout the day to show some activities that the students complete to help support their learning, both social and academic.

Make 10 maths

In maths, we are learning to quickly recall numbers that add up to 10.  We have a few warm ups that help the children learn these.

I also have this make 10 game that the students love to play! It works like memory but they have to find two numbers that add up to 10.  If they turn over a shark counter they miss their turn.

The next step with this game will be that the children can turn over more than two counters to try and get to ten. At the moment if they get 2 and 2 they need to know it's 4, but that's the end of their turn as it's not two numbers that make 10. 

Once they have the quick recall we will extend the game so they can turn another counter over hoping to get a 6 in that situation to make 10 with 2+2+6=10 or maybe 5 and 1 so it will be 2+2+5+1=10.

In maths, we are learning to quickly recall numbers that add up to 10.  We have a few warm ups that help the children learn these.

I also have this make 10 game that the students love to play! It works like memory but they have to find two numbers that add up to 10.  If they turn over a shark counter they miss their turn.

The next step with this game will be that the children can turn over more than two counters to try and get to ten. At the moment if they get 2 and 2 they need to know it's 4, but that's the end of their turn as it's not two numbers that make 10. 

Once they have the quick recall we will extend the game so they can turn another counter over hoping to get a 6 in that situation to make 10 with 2+2+6=10 or maybe 5 and 1 so it will be 2+2+5+1=10.

Go Noodle

You might hear a bit about Go Noodle from your child.  This is an educational website that encourages movement, brain exercises and thinking.

We use it in class for a break between lessons, for fitness on cold/wet days or just to have a little fun.

We pick a champion that we have to level up or grow by completing activities. Once we have leveled the champion to level 5 we get a certificate.  Then we get to choose a new champion.

The kids are quite enthusatic about Go Noodle and you can download it and use it at home on your phone, tablet or computer.

Just visit

You might hear a bit about Go Noodle from your child.  This is an educational website that encourages movement, brain exercises and thinking.

We use it in class for a break between lessons, for fitness on cold/wet days or just to have a little fun.

We pick a champion that we have to level up or grow by completing activities. Once we have leveled the champion to level 5 we get a certificate.  Then we get to choose a new champion.

The kids are quite enthusatic about Go Noodle and you can download it and use it at home on your phone, tablet or computer.

Just visit

Cross Country Practice

We've been busy practicing for our cross country next week! The children have made good progress in their running since last term.

I'm excited to see them run Friday and try their best. Here are a few snaps from.our syndicate practice.

We've been busy practicing for our cross country next week! The children have made good progress in their running since last term.

I'm excited to see them run Friday and try their best. Here are a few snaps from.our syndicate practice.

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