Saturday 5 August 2017

Make 10 maths

In maths, we are learning to quickly recall numbers that add up to 10.  We have a few warm ups that help the children learn these.

I also have this make 10 game that the students love to play! It works like memory but they have to find two numbers that add up to 10.  If they turn over a shark counter they miss their turn.

The next step with this game will be that the children can turn over more than two counters to try and get to ten. At the moment if they get 2 and 2 they need to know it's 4, but that's the end of their turn as it's not two numbers that make 10. 

Once they have the quick recall we will extend the game so they can turn another counter over hoping to get a 6 in that situation to make 10 with 2+2+6=10 or maybe 5 and 1 so it will be 2+2+5+1=10.


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