Tuesday 25 July 2017

Welcome to Term 3

Welcome back to school!! I hope you all are ready for another winter term.  Term 3 is always a great term for getting into learning. I've written up what are learning focuses are this term from the newsletter in case anyone misplaces it. I'll include the dates to note too.

R.E focus: We are learning about prayer, how to pray and when we can pray.  We will also be learning about the 4 saints that we celebrate at St. Mary’s school..

Math focus: This term we will continue to be learning about number operations and number knowledge before heading into geometry and shape.

Science and technology focus: We will be having an inquiry around dinosaurs and how the past influences the present.  Students will be investigating dinosaurs and how the earth was in the past. Each student will take on the role of a paleontologist and ‘discover’ a dinosaur that they will then have to investigate and report on. 
Writing:  This term we will be focusing on adding detail to our writing and looking at different writing structures.  We will be looking at how to write a report when we begin to learn about dinosaurs. 

Important Dates:
4th August – Assembly Room 4 & 8/9
11th August – School cross country
27th August – School Mass at Church
29th September – Last day of term 


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