Friday 22 September 2017

Cricket skills

Our school has been lucky over the last few weeks we have had Mr MacDonald come in and teach some cricket skills.

He has been working with the children in Room 9 to help improve their catching skills. He has also been teaching them the basics of cricket of hitting the ball and running to gain points and fielding.

It has been lots of fun and the children have enjoyed getting outside in the mornings  :)

Our school has been lucky over the last few weeks we have had Mr MacDonald come in and teach some cricket skills.

He has been working with the children in Room 9 to help improve their catching skills. He has also been teaching them the basics of cricket of hitting the ball and running to gain points and fielding.

It has been lots of fun and the children have enjoyed getting outside in the mornings  :)


The kids have been so excited about the disco. It was great seeing you all there. I hope everyone had a fantastic  night dancing away.

The kids have been so excited about the disco. It was great seeing you all there. I hope everyone had a fantastic  night dancing away.

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