Thursday 19 October 2017


We enjoyed our first afternoon in the library for Term 4 yesterday.

The kids welcomed our new librarian Ms Tamatea and were very polite asking for books.

We go to the library every Wednesday afternoon and the children can choose two books to take home.  You can keep these books at home and return them each Wednesday or you can keep them in our class library corner. 

We enjoyed our first afternoon in the library for Term 4 yesterday.

The kids welcomed our new librarian Ms Tamatea and were very polite asking for books.

We go to the library every Wednesday afternoon and the children can choose two books to take home.  You can keep these books at home and return them each Wednesday or you can keep them in our class library corner. 

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Rugby skills

All the students at St Mary's were lucky to get some free rugby skill sessions towards the end of the term.

Lots of the students knew about rugby and the All Blacks so we're excited to get out and try. A few students weren't sure and were a bit hesitant.

After a few drills and games it was hard to get everyone back to class! They had a blast learning passing, catching and running with a rugby ball. There was a lot of multitasking involved in these drills. The students had to walk in a line, pass backwards to the person next to them and call out their name so they were ready for the ball.

Great fun and learning had by all the students in Room 9 :)

All the students at St Mary's were lucky to get some free rugby skill sessions towards the end of the term.

Lots of the students knew about rugby and the All Blacks so we're excited to get out and try. A few students weren't sure and were a bit hesitant.

After a few drills and games it was hard to get everyone back to class! They had a blast learning passing, catching and running with a rugby ball. There was a lot of multitasking involved in these drills. The students had to walk in a line, pass backwards to the person next to them and call out their name so they were ready for the ball.

Great fun and learning had by all the students in Room 9 :)

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