Saturday 25 February 2017

Sorting object into graphs

We began the year learning about statistics in maths.  We have covered the first three learning objectives which are:
  • sort objects into categories for display
  • make a display of the data collected (pictograph)
  • make statements about data displays

The students have made great progress in a short amount of time and have learnt how to sort, display and recognize and make statements about what the graphs are showing us.  They enjoy cutting out these little pictures and sorting and gluing them into the correct row.  The students then have to see which object has the most and least. 

We have also been using materials to make graphs as a warm up activity and trying to identify different ways to sort the same material.  We used animal shapes one day and were able to sort them into animal types, amount of legs on each animal and colour.  

We began the year learning about statistics in maths.  We have covered the first three learning objectives which are:
  • sort objects into categories for display
  • make a display of the data collected (pictograph)
  • make statements about data displays

The students have made great progress in a short amount of time and have learnt how to sort, display and recognize and make statements about what the graphs are showing us.  They enjoy cutting out these little pictures and sorting and gluing them into the correct row.  The students then have to see which object has the most and least. 

We have also been using materials to make graphs as a warm up activity and trying to identify different ways to sort the same material.  We used animal shapes one day and were able to sort them into animal types, amount of legs on each animal and colour.  

Writing the word of the week in chalk!

Last week, we practiced the word of the week outside with some chalk.

The kids had a great time practicing the word 'is' a different way not just with a pencil and paper!  We wrote it big, small and in different colours.

Last week, we practiced the word of the week outside with some chalk.

The kids had a great time practicing the word 'is' a different way not just with a pencil and paper!  We wrote it big, small and in different colours.

'Ko Rongowhakaata' Museum Trip

On Tuesday, we took a bus to the Tariawhiti museum to have a look at the 'Ko Rongowhakaata' Iwi Exhibition.

This exhibition followed the questions:
- Ko wai mātou? (Who are we?)
- Nō whea mātou? (Where are we from?)
- He aha ngā pūkenga ō tōku iwi (What characteristics or traits are typical of my iwi?)

The main theme that our class learnt about was Rongowhakaata - the Atua of wānanga, the ancestor, the people, the shape-shifter.  We were able to see some taonga that Maori used in the past and what they were used for.  Some of the students were able to identify what they were used for before being told.  We went on a taonga hunt around the exhibition to see if we could find some that we were shown and told about.

After this, we went to the activity room and each made a manu (bird). As Rongowhakaata was a shape-shifter and could turn into a bird.

On Tuesday, we took a bus to the Tariawhiti museum to have a look at the 'Ko Rongowhakaata' Iwi Exhibition.

This exhibition followed the questions:
- Ko wai mātou? (Who are we?)
- Nō whea mātou? (Where are we from?)
- He aha ngā pūkenga ō tōku iwi (What characteristics or traits are typical of my iwi?)

The main theme that our class learnt about was Rongowhakaata - the Atua of wānanga, the ancestor, the people, the shape-shifter.  We were able to see some taonga that Maori used in the past and what they were used for.  Some of the students were able to identify what they were used for before being told.  We went on a taonga hunt around the exhibition to see if we could find some that we were shown and told about.

After this, we went to the activity room and each made a manu (bird). As Rongowhakaata was a shape-shifter and could turn into a bird.

Thursday 16 February 2017

About Me

Good morning,

I thought I would take the time to say a little about myself and my family.

I was born and raised in Gisborne. I attended St. Mary's Catholic School at the old site on Gladstone Road with my 2 older sisters, Kirsty and Jessica.  I then went on to Campion College for my high school education.

I studied at Massey University Palmerston North and graduated with a Bachelor of Education (Teaching) and a Diploma in Educational Studies.  I have a passion with working with the junior school and have mostly worked in New Entrant classes, where I can welcome new students and begin their learning journey.  I find working with this age group very rewarding as they progress quickly and they are so excited to be at school.

My fiancee, Matt, and I have been together for 8 years.  We have two daughters, Hayley, and Isla, who is almost 2.
Good morning,

I thought I would take the time to say a little about myself and my family.

I was born and raised in Gisborne. I attended St. Mary's Catholic School at the old site on Gladstone Road with my 2 older sisters, Kirsty and Jessica.  I then went on to Campion College for my high school education.

I studied at Massey University Palmerston North and graduated with a Bachelor of Education (Teaching) and a Diploma in Educational Studies.  I have a passion with working with the junior school and have mostly worked in New Entrant classes, where I can welcome new students and begin their learning journey.  I find working with this age group very rewarding as they progress quickly and they are so excited to be at school.

My fiancee, Matt, and I have been together for 8 years.  We have two daughters, Hayley, and Isla, who is almost 2.

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Helping Out

It is great seeing the students lovely faces early in the morning before the bell goes.  It gives them an opportunity to socialize with other students in our class and also around the school.

They can form and build relationships with students and with teachers too.  One morning, I had a few students (from Room 9 and other classes in the school) who wanted to help me sort and put our magnetic letters into a new container.  The students had discussions about what the letters were and where they needed to go.

It is great seeing the students lovely faces early in the morning before the bell goes.  It gives them an opportunity to socialize with other students in our class and also around the school.

They can form and build relationships with students and with teachers too.  One morning, I had a few students (from Room 9 and other classes in the school) who wanted to help me sort and put our magnetic letters into a new container.  The students had discussions about what the letters were and where they needed to go.

Writing Table

We have a writing table in class where we can use our whiteboards to practice writing.  We have sight words and the words of the week that we are learning to copy and get better at!

There is also different lists of words, such as shopping lists, names and food for the students to copy and become more familiar with words around them.  The whiteboards provide a great surface to easily practice letter formation.  

The students also use the whiteboards to practice numbers too.  Such a great learning tool and the kids love them too.  

We have a writing table in class where we can use our whiteboards to practice writing.  We have sight words and the words of the week that we are learning to copy and get better at!

There is also different lists of words, such as shopping lists, names and food for the students to copy and become more familiar with words around them.  The whiteboards provide a great surface to easily practice letter formation.  

The students also use the whiteboards to practice numbers too.  Such a great learning tool and the kids love them too.  


We love doing our phonics work! Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we get together with other students at the school and learn about letter sounds.  We think about the different words that start with that sound and complete our phonics sheet.  We do our own phonics work on Thursday.

There are 5 sounds in our phonics booklet and once we have finished we can take them home to show everyone our awesome work!  Keep an eye out in your child's book bag for these phonics booklets.  You can keep them at home now they are done.

We love doing our phonics work! Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we get together with other students at the school and learn about letter sounds.  We think about the different words that start with that sound and complete our phonics sheet.  We do our own phonics work on Thursday.

There are 5 sounds in our phonics booklet and once we have finished we can take them home to show everyone our awesome work!  Keep an eye out in your child's book bag for these phonics booklets.  You can keep them at home now they are done.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Welcome to Room 9

Welcome parents, whanau and caregivers,

All the children have had a wonderful start in Room 9!  You should all be very proud at the courage and enthusiasm that they have shown in the first two weeks of their new school journey.

I will be updating this classroom blog a few times a week with new learning, updates and photos. 

Feel free to write some positive comments on any posts so the children can see them when we check into our learning hub!

Thank you
Miss Richardson

Welcome parents, whanau and caregivers,

All the children have had a wonderful start in Room 9!  You should all be very proud at the courage and enthusiasm that they have shown in the first two weeks of their new school journey.

I will be updating this classroom blog a few times a week with new learning, updates and photos. 

Feel free to write some positive comments on any posts so the children can see them when we check into our learning hub!

Thank you
Miss Richardson

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