Saturday 25 February 2017

'Ko Rongowhakaata' Museum Trip

On Tuesday, we took a bus to the Tariawhiti museum to have a look at the 'Ko Rongowhakaata' Iwi Exhibition.

This exhibition followed the questions:
- Ko wai mātou? (Who are we?)
- Nō whea mātou? (Where are we from?)
- He aha ngā pūkenga ō tōku iwi (What characteristics or traits are typical of my iwi?)

The main theme that our class learnt about was Rongowhakaata - the Atua of wānanga, the ancestor, the people, the shape-shifter.  We were able to see some taonga that Maori used in the past and what they were used for.  Some of the students were able to identify what they were used for before being told.  We went on a taonga hunt around the exhibition to see if we could find some that we were shown and told about.

After this, we went to the activity room and each made a manu (bird). As Rongowhakaata was a shape-shifter and could turn into a bird.


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