Monday 8 May 2017

Museum Visit - Learning more about waka and how people traveled in Aotearoa New Zealand

Koka Iona came to Room 9 to talk about the waka that came to New Zealand (Aotearoa), the horouta.  She linked this information about sailing (wayfinding) and waka (boats) to the film Moana which most of the children had seen.  We learnt how they traveled across the ocean by using the stars, sun, ripples in the water and birds they could see.

A lot of this information and knowledge we learnt linked into what we talked about and discussed during term one.  The children then had a chance to make their own waka.  They were able to design their sails and attach it to their waka.  The children had a great time in this 45 minutes museum lesson and Koka Iona was most impressed with the children's understanding and fantastic creations.


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